Friday, January 29, 2010

I swear I got 5,000 things done today at work... but I had 6,000+ things I had to get done today. I hate the feeling of never catching up on stuff, but I am doing 3x the work and taking care of stuff for 115 people instead ~35 people, and am not getting to work any extra hours during all of this. I also had 2 team meetings today, which take a lot out of you. At least it's officially my weekend now. :)

I decided I want to take a solo vacation to the Maldives sometime this year. They have monsoons so I have to look up when I could even go. I've always wanted to learn to scuba dive, and that is the perfect place to dive... so I may be taking a class soon to get certified. I'm sure my parents will flip if I go anywhere far away, especially somewhere halfway around the world, by myself. Oh well, I need to get away from life for awhile, and from EVERYBODY, before I lose it.

I'm so glad I canceled my classes this semester. I need some free time, and I need to get back some sort of a social life. I need to move out. I need to let myself enjoy things like weekends, friends' birthdays, crushes, zoo outings, breaking free, etc.

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