Wednesday, July 22, 2009

worst week ever

I've had lots of nightmares all week, waking up covered in sweat, afraid to fall back asleep; that always leads to a poor morning.

Also, mowing the lawn this afternoon I bumped into one of our pine trees which is infested with mites (a tree guy has been treating it but the mites are still there). Well once I was done w/the lawn, my back itched like crazy, I had horrible nail marks everywhere from scratching so hard, and took a really long shower to make sure they were gone. Now it's fine, but the marks are still there.

I got a vmail today from an insurance agent, because they are vastly incompetent. This is regarding a claim I filed in NOVEMBER from when a giant scrap metal thing flew out of a dump truck and directly onto my hood and windshield on the freeway. I got the dumptruck's license # and company name off the truck, so I called the insurance company and filed a police report (apparently they get mailed to the DMV). I got my $ to get the car fixed, but they have been repeatedly calling me for ?s ever since!

The lady I used to deal with was horribly stupid, and finally I got this other guy who I thought took care of everything once and for all, this January. NOPE! They still didn't get a copy of the police accident report - I've told them a million times to call the DMV since that's where it got mailed to, and I also have faxed them my copy of it FOUR TIMES! And they NEVER GOT IT!!! Explain that you stupid f'ing insurance agents! And you wonder why people avoid you! I've been plenty forthcoming w/info and details, etc, and extremely patient w/them, yet they go after the wrong truck company twice, "forget" what hit my car, and can't find a goddman police report when I keep handing it over to them and telling them where to inquire about it!!!!!

Then I had the worst problems at work today, which led to a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day there. Only 1 good thing happened today, but it was so drowned out that I almost don't care now.

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