Friday, July 10, 2009

dark blue

-I managed to get in 3 fights w/my mom today... fanfreakingtastic as always.

-Went to Walmart for 3 things, and instead bought lots of crap for $146

-Got some bad news today

-Almost set my hair on fire from my candles

-Bought 2 boxes of hair dye because my Id or my Ego or whatever is screaming for change (so much for leaving it alone!)

-Hung out with Phay today, her son is such a cutie

-Drove all the way to Grafton after, just to get away from everything

-Bought the new Jack's Mannequin CD (finally)

-And tomorrow, I am finally free for 2 days; space I have been craving for so long

"I'm keeping quiet till the phone stops ringing;
Lately it's hard to disconnect. I just want something real--
I've found the words if I could just stop thinking
The room is spinning, I have got no choice..."
-Jack's Mannequin, "Spinning"

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