Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mis(s) Cellaneous

-Apartment hunting is not going so well, I'm too picky and everything good I've found has atrocious reviews.

-Job prospects are better, fingers crossed

-Finally get 2 days to myself this weekend, and you know what I'm gonna do? Dance like a crazy person to loud music for a long time, then play Rock Band, because I'm amazing on the drums. yep.

-Almost done with the last Harry Potter book! It's exciting, because 2 years ago was the first time I read the series, but I only got 83 pages into this last book.

-Planning a trip to Chicago soon with Danielle??

-Rebecca is the coolest friend ever, who else would want to learn how to dance hip hop with me?! And go to Summerfest when people ditch me!

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