Thursday, July 30, 2009

workie work work

The last 2 days have been very weird / stressful, but at least it provided amusement to Eli and Nate. Cody's life mission is to turn me into a new and improved person. And Eli and I are the coolest closers ever, listening to Wu Tang and 2Pac and the like! It's going to be interesting closing with these boys...

I like how people try and take advantage of me since I'm a brand new Supervisor (technically still training), but I've been there long enough to know all the rules / policies, and I know a lot more than these people think I do. I'm done being the super nice girl, and I'm done with people abusing my kindness. It's just time to move on.

It's crazy how busy work is now, because I have to figure out my team's schedules, plan team meetings, figure out what I want to talk about in those meetings, and set up all my stuff in the computer once I get a team. On the bright side, I now have time for a social life. Which, as the boys have pointed out, I really need. There will be drinking and drunken ballet soon!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

So I wait till I hit the ground harder...

Things are slowly getting better. I got a promotion, and my parents are finally ok with it. Eli said I'm awesome, which I think I needed to hear from somebody. And I've been spending more time with friends finally.

I see my nephew in a month for his 1st birthday!!! And one of my best friends from Madison might visit me in September. I just saw one of my good friend's new daughter, she's so cute! Also, went to the zoo with my dad today and took 3 rolls of film! I want to be a dental hygienist for animals. I want to be a marine biologist (yes - still), and I want to be something to somebody.

These are 2 of my favorite songs ever!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

worst week ever

I've had lots of nightmares all week, waking up covered in sweat, afraid to fall back asleep; that always leads to a poor morning.

Also, mowing the lawn this afternoon I bumped into one of our pine trees which is infested with mites (a tree guy has been treating it but the mites are still there). Well once I was done w/the lawn, my back itched like crazy, I had horrible nail marks everywhere from scratching so hard, and took a really long shower to make sure they were gone. Now it's fine, but the marks are still there.

I got a vmail today from an insurance agent, because they are vastly incompetent. This is regarding a claim I filed in NOVEMBER from when a giant scrap metal thing flew out of a dump truck and directly onto my hood and windshield on the freeway. I got the dumptruck's license # and company name off the truck, so I called the insurance company and filed a police report (apparently they get mailed to the DMV). I got my $ to get the car fixed, but they have been repeatedly calling me for ?s ever since!

The lady I used to deal with was horribly stupid, and finally I got this other guy who I thought took care of everything once and for all, this January. NOPE! They still didn't get a copy of the police accident report - I've told them a million times to call the DMV since that's where it got mailed to, and I also have faxed them my copy of it FOUR TIMES! And they NEVER GOT IT!!! Explain that you stupid f'ing insurance agents! And you wonder why people avoid you! I've been plenty forthcoming w/info and details, etc, and extremely patient w/them, yet they go after the wrong truck company twice, "forget" what hit my car, and can't find a goddman police report when I keep handing it over to them and telling them where to inquire about it!!!!!

Then I had the worst problems at work today, which led to a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day there. Only 1 good thing happened today, but it was so drowned out that I almost don't care now.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

This has been a crazy week, but it's over at last. I went on an Edelweiss boat tour today in Milwaukee, that was fun. Also went to Mader's german restaurant for the first time, and ordered the biggest soft pretzel I've ever seen.

I finally have internet that doesn't go out 1 to 3 times a day. And got my laptop also connected, which really just means I can be more lazy. I'm getting excited for school to start, because I'm taking fun classes.

I went to the zoo Wednesday night (Sunset Zoofari). It's the coolest thing ever! For once I was able to see more than 3 species in the nocturnal building, including an armadillo! Normally they are all sleeping in their boxes, so you can't even see the animals sleeping in the open. And the bats were really active too. :)

Now just waiting to hear back about something... fingers crossed!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I slept till 1pm, cleaned the house up, watched a movie, hung out with Phay and her son again, went bday shopping for my mom, came home and did 3 loads of laundry, played Rock Band, cleaned out my closet (2 garbage bags full!), cleaned up my room, dyed my hair, and watched a bunch of episodes of Arrested Development. Don't want to go to work tomorrow...

Speaking of, I have no clue where I'm going to park for work tomorrow. I looked up the Circus Parade route, and I don't even think I can park at school! So it will be an adventure. And my parents will be back before I get home from work, so tonight is really the end of my freedom. sigh.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

me, myself, and i

I thoroughly enjoyed my day off, and mainly just having the house to myself for once. My arm is sore from Rock Band drums because I haven't played in so long, but I rocked out and that's enough for me.

Also, I am seriously addicted to one of Jack's Mannequin's songs, so I pretty much just danced to that on repeat for a long time. I couldn't find a good video, but I don't care.

I might go to the zoo tomorrow, but then again I might just play more Rock Band and dance like there's no tomorrow instead. I'm loving it.

Friday, July 10, 2009

dark blue

-I managed to get in 3 fights w/my mom today... fanfreakingtastic as always.

-Went to Walmart for 3 things, and instead bought lots of crap for $146

-Got some bad news today

-Almost set my hair on fire from my candles

-Bought 2 boxes of hair dye because my Id or my Ego or whatever is screaming for change (so much for leaving it alone!)

-Hung out with Phay today, her son is such a cutie

-Drove all the way to Grafton after, just to get away from everything

-Bought the new Jack's Mannequin CD (finally)

-And tomorrow, I am finally free for 2 days; space I have been craving for so long

"I'm keeping quiet till the phone stops ringing;
Lately it's hard to disconnect. I just want something real--
I've found the words if I could just stop thinking
The room is spinning, I have got no choice..."
-Jack's Mannequin, "Spinning"

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mis(s) Cellaneous

-Apartment hunting is not going so well, I'm too picky and everything good I've found has atrocious reviews.

-Job prospects are better, fingers crossed

-Finally get 2 days to myself this weekend, and you know what I'm gonna do? Dance like a crazy person to loud music for a long time, then play Rock Band, because I'm amazing on the drums. yep.

-Almost done with the last Harry Potter book! It's exciting, because 2 years ago was the first time I read the series, but I only got 83 pages into this last book.

-Planning a trip to Chicago soon with Danielle??

-Rebecca is the coolest friend ever, who else would want to learn how to dance hip hop with me?! And go to Summerfest when people ditch me!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


My brother & his family have been here since Thursday. You don't get much sleep with a 10 month old in the house, but sleep is overrated. A random aside: I saw a guy eat 68 hot dogs in 10 minutes today for some eating contest!!! That's disgusting, yet somehow quite an accomplishment.

The Fray and Jack's Mannequin concert tonight was amazing! JM is always fantastic. I've never seen The Fray, but Isaac's voice is just as angelic live as it is on CD. And I'm a sucker for guys who play piano, which made both concerts even better :)

"Picture you're the queen of everything
As far as the eye can see.
Under your command,
I will be your guardian
When all is crumbling--
Steady your hand;
You can never say never
-The Fray, "Never Say Never"

"This room's too small, it's only getting smaller--
I'm against the wall, I'm slowly getting taller here in Wonderland.
This guilt feels so familiar and I'm home..."
-Something Corporate, "Watch the Sky"