Saturday, March 20, 2010

I've been watching season 5 of LOST this weekend, and it is making me reminisce about my life and my goals and all that good stuff. And it makes me sad. I hate losing people in my life, whether via death or just falling outs. I've been thinking a lot about the last few good friends from my life, and how even though I'm a better person without them, I can't stand not having them in my life. I guess I've finally grown up more though, because I am constantly resisting the urge to go back to them.

It's ironic, because recently I've accumulated a few people that won't leave me alone. Those who know me well, know I am easily suffocated. So no, I don't enjoy people who keep seeking me out, sitting by me, trying to hunt me down every day when I clearly don't want them to. Now if I could just have a flash of light so that I could jump to the past, and fix a few of these things...

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