Sunday, March 7, 2010

fate, by any other name, is still not sweet

My bestest friend ever, and I, stopped talking years ago and there were a lot of reasons why. Now she keeps trying to creep back into my life but for once I am holding my ground. The problem is that I feel like a horrible person everytime I put my foot down with her. I'm so sick of this feeling.

I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that my life will not end up how I want it to. My heart has always 'been on hold' for a certain person, but I'm realizing he's not the BEST for me (especially after very recent events), even though I love him to death and have known him for many crazy years. It just makes me sad to realize we probably won't end up together in the end, like we always thought we would.

"Here it comes, ready or not--
We both found out it's not how we thought
That it would be, how it would be.
If the time could turn us around,
What once was lost may be found
For you and me, for you and me..."
-Lifehouse, "It Is What It Is"

"I close my eyes and all that I can see
Is someone who I'm never gonna be."
-Lifehouse, "Crash and Burn"

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