Saturday, August 8, 2009

staying positive...

is not easy, but I am going to try anyway.

I had so much fun going out to a bar last night; in the last year I've had 2 glasses of wine, and that's it. I was always busy, on meds, or had no one to drink with, or just wasn't in the mood to drink. Alas, my tolerance is now really low which makes for cheap drunkenness :) I also forgot that I like to drunk text, it's fun remembering who you all texted later that night.

I have a better job and a perfect work schedule. A fun class that starts in 2 weeks, & a nephew who's just about 1 year old!!!! I can't wait to spend his 1st bday with him. Also, a good friend from college got married a year and a half ago to a guy from Africa, and for over a year he was unable to move to the states, so they spent their first married year on opposite ends of the world. A few months ago he finally came here to make a home with her, and now they're having a wedding reception the end of August. Which makes for an overnight vacation for me, in a really nice hotel room so I can actually relax and just get away from things. I'm really excited to finally meet Gift and to see them together. :)

Also, Meghan is probably the coolest friend ever... who else would have as crazy of guy problems as I do?! Seriously, we were meant to be friends, because no one else in the world would understand our boy issues. And Rebecca is just awesome, she's my concert buddy and says she'll learn to dance hip hop with me! And even though Josh is moving out of state, he's been one of my truest friends. And Phay is an amazing friend as well, she is so self-giving and caring, even to people she barely knows. It's really a rare characteristic. And the boys are genuine and on a constant mission to change my ways. It makes for interesting days. If only things would stay this good forever...

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