Monday, August 17, 2009

busy bee

Things are getting a bit craaazzzzzy. My nephew's 1st bday is this weekend, so I have to figure out what he's getting for his bday and wrap the presents and stuff by Thursday. Also, school starts next week, so I need to start getting ready for that. And next weekend I'm going up by the dells for a friend's wedding reception / mini vacation. Can't wait!

Since I'm on vacation this weekend, I have to make sure my work is up to date so I don't get too far behind in my weekend off. And Eli picked a bad time to take a 10-day vacation! I'm doing all his work for him while he's gone, so it's been busy busy busy.

And in a few weeks my good friend and her family are coming to visit from Madison, so I can't wait to show them around downtown and take them to the zoo!

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