Saturday, August 29, 2009

vertical horizon

This year has been really hard on me, and I feel like I've been falling apart all year. Today was a mini-vacation, I'm up in Mauston for a friend's wedding reception, and staying overnight. Just sucks that I had a migraine when I got up here, and had to nap for about 3 hours to make it go away. But Jeanne was beautiful, and I finally met Gift!

I've spread myself so thin for so long, trying to please everybody. And now that I'm slowly trying to make myself happy, it doesn't feel right. I was thinking about that on the 150 mile drive up here, and that's probably how I got the migraine in the first place.

I'm so excited about tomorrow. My parents happen to be in the Dells this weekend which is super close to me, so when I check out of my hotel, I'm meeting them at the International Crane Foundation in Baraboo.

Then I'm coming back to Mauston to go to Roche-A-Cri State Park :) It looks super awesome, and I need some alone time to just hike and walk around in nature. I have to take a bunch of pictures for my Photography class outside anyway, so I just hope it doesn't rain again. After that, I'm going to Elroy to try and get some pictures of people (also for class), I love the bike trails out there. Then if the weather is okay I'm stopping at Aztalan Park by Lake Mills to take more pictures, and then coming back to Milwaukee. It should be a good day!

"By the light of the moon
She rubs her eyes,
Sits down on the bed and starts to cry--
And there's something less about her...
And I don't know what I'm supposed to do
So I sit down and I cry too,
And don't let her see.

And she says oooh
I can't take no more.
Her tears like diamonds on the floor
And her diamonds bring me down,
'Cause I can't help her now--
She's down in it;
She tried her best and now she can't win, it's
Hard to see them on the ground:
Her diamonds falling down.

She shuts out the night,
Tries to close her eyes.
If she can find daylight
She'll be all right
She'll be all right,
Just not tonight..."
-Rob Thomas, "Her Diamonds"

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 22nd

Happy 1st birthday to my nephew!!! Joey loved his birthday cake, isn't that obvious?!

Monday, August 17, 2009

busy bee

Things are getting a bit craaazzzzzy. My nephew's 1st bday is this weekend, so I have to figure out what he's getting for his bday and wrap the presents and stuff by Thursday. Also, school starts next week, so I need to start getting ready for that. And next weekend I'm going up by the dells for a friend's wedding reception / mini vacation. Can't wait!

Since I'm on vacation this weekend, I have to make sure my work is up to date so I don't get too far behind in my weekend off. And Eli picked a bad time to take a 10-day vacation! I'm doing all his work for him while he's gone, so it's been busy busy busy.

And in a few weeks my good friend and her family are coming to visit from Madison, so I can't wait to show them around downtown and take them to the zoo!

Friday, August 14, 2009


I've realized recently how different my personality is depending on who I am with or who I am talking to. But deep down, I'm still mostly the same no matter what.

I finally succumbed to the Myers-Briggs personality test (the shortened version), and was amazed at how perfectly accurate this is.

I am... ENFJ (Extraversion, iNtuition, Feeling, Judgment)
You are warm, empathetic, responsive, and responsible. You are highly attuned to the emotions, needs, and motivations of others. You find potential in everyone, and want to help others fulfill their potential. You may act as a catalyst for individual and group growth. You are loyal, and are responsive to praise and criticism. You are sociable, facilitate others in a group, and provide inspiring leadership. Famous people with your same ENFJ personality include: Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Dick Van Dyke, Diane Sawyer, Peyton Manning, Pete Sampras, Johnny Depp, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

"I'll stay with you.
The walls will fall before we do.
Take my hand now--
We'll run forever.
I can feel the storm inside you;
I'll stay with you..."
-Goo Goo Dolls

Saturday, August 8, 2009

staying positive...

is not easy, but I am going to try anyway.

I had so much fun going out to a bar last night; in the last year I've had 2 glasses of wine, and that's it. I was always busy, on meds, or had no one to drink with, or just wasn't in the mood to drink. Alas, my tolerance is now really low which makes for cheap drunkenness :) I also forgot that I like to drunk text, it's fun remembering who you all texted later that night.

I have a better job and a perfect work schedule. A fun class that starts in 2 weeks, & a nephew who's just about 1 year old!!!! I can't wait to spend his 1st bday with him. Also, a good friend from college got married a year and a half ago to a guy from Africa, and for over a year he was unable to move to the states, so they spent their first married year on opposite ends of the world. A few months ago he finally came here to make a home with her, and now they're having a wedding reception the end of August. Which makes for an overnight vacation for me, in a really nice hotel room so I can actually relax and just get away from things. I'm really excited to finally meet Gift and to see them together. :)

Also, Meghan is probably the coolest friend ever... who else would have as crazy of guy problems as I do?! Seriously, we were meant to be friends, because no one else in the world would understand our boy issues. And Rebecca is just awesome, she's my concert buddy and says she'll learn to dance hip hop with me! And even though Josh is moving out of state, he's been one of my truest friends. And Phay is an amazing friend as well, she is so self-giving and caring, even to people she barely knows. It's really a rare characteristic. And the boys are genuine and on a constant mission to change my ways. It makes for interesting days. If only things would stay this good forever...
This sounds ridiculous, but my parents getting a Facebook acct has been horrible on me. And now someone else is being an asshole about the whole f'ing situation.

I went out drinking for the first time in about a year tonight, to see a good friend before he moves out of state. And of course that led to pointless bickering, like how dare I go out and have fun. I almost can't stand it anymore.

I must have been adopted because I swear my family is all one and the same, and then I'm clearly on the opposite end of the sprectrum, and none of them can figure out what is wrong with ME. Obviously, conformity has never been my thing. Befriending for the sake of befriending, not anymore. Letting my family in on my personal life via Facebook when I don't let them in on my personal life in person... think about that for a minute and you'll have your answer.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

crazy week!

I'm glad tomorrow is my Friday; I've had a crazy bad week. Today I was in a great mood on the way to work, but everything went downhill fast. At least my team meeting went well. And Eli gave me a cool nickname today.

I can't believe that after all this time, only a few people really understand where I'm coming from. And recently, I found someone else who gets me. Really gets me. I can't tell you how good that feels, knowing I don't have to explain a thing to him. It's oddly uplifting.

I wish I could post this video, because it's one of the songs that describes me perfectly, but the embedding is disabled, so check it out anyway.

Monday, August 3, 2009


All I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry. I've been holding so much in, and this has been one of the worst weeks in years. I've been to more funerals than most have been to their whole life. I've known more people dying of cancer than anyone should bear to know. I've dealt with more fights than a lifetime should allow. I've faced a world that doesn't believe me, and doesn't believe in me. I'm so tired of it all.

"But you're killing everything in me;
I'm done, there's nothing left to show--
I try but can't let it go.
Are you happy where you're standing still?"
-Jimmy Eat World, "Polaris"