Thursday, February 9, 2012

marchin' on

I have been so busy lately! It's nice, because it keeps my mind from wandering all day long. I've been having extremely vivid dreams lately; it tends to happen when I'm most stressed out or trying to choose a path in life. I think it's my mind's way of working overtime.

I'm trying to "let go" of the wheel of life and deliberately lose control for once. To actually enjoy life, instead of hiding from it like I've always done. It's definitely a work in progress, but I'm slowly getting there. And I'm enjoying just about every minute of it.

Work is good, Madison is good, my 2 adorable bunnies are doing good, my apartment is great, and boys are all around me, haha. I'm trying so hard not to run away from them as usual. That is a big thing I'm trying to give up control over, and to actually allow for chances for things to happen. Hopefully I will succeed. I know what I want, and now I just have to work (really hard) at getting it.

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