Sunday, September 5, 2010

Moving On

After 27 years, I feel I am finally "moving" in life. I've been stuck at home, stuck in bad friendships, stuck in an emotionally bad place, my entire life. After all the times I said I'd do something about it.... well I finally am.

I transferred to a job in Madison and am staying with a good friend of the family while I work, until I can move into my apartment in October. It's surreal boxing up my entire life, bit by bit, on the weekends when I come back home. But I know I will finally be happy once I'm fully moved out. After all the years of suffocation, I will finally be able to breathe, and I can't ask for anything more than that! :)

I am still nervous about moving to Madison, because I have 2 friends out there and that's it. I don't know anyone else. I know that I will, but it still sucks leaving all your friends behind. I think, in the end, this is the best decision I've ever made for myself. And now my brother and his wife are expecting another child!!! Joey just turned 2 years old, and the next little one is due in June. I can't wait. :)

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