Thursday, January 12, 2017

Baby Armani!

I had my anatomy ultrasound on Monday, 1/9.  Oh my goodness!!!  It was seriously the best thing ever.  We got to see baby move around a lot, open its mouth, attempt a somersault, and wiggle its little toes!!!!!

My heart is overjoyed, and we find out the gender this Sunday at our Gender Reveal Party.  I cannot wait!  These pictures don't do justice, I was holding the roll of pictures up in the car and taking pictures of them quickly.  I'll have to scan all 13 pictures in soon.  But I am in love :)<3 p="">

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Catching Up

Okay, onto happier things!

Tom and I officially started dating on July 12th, 2012.  He moved in with me on December 12th, 2012.  On September 9th, 2013 we moved to Pewaukee because I couldn't stand Madison and how toxic it had been for us.  We go't got engaged on July 12th, 2015.  We moved to a new apartment (still in Pewaukee) on June 11th, 2016.  And we got married on July 16th, 2016.

As mentioned in my previous post, Toledo will always hold a special place in my heart, as it became the place where love saved us.  So of course I chose Toledo for our wedding!  We got married at the Toledo Botanical Gardens, in the Perennial Garden which I fell in love with the first time we ever went there.

And lastly, I am pregnant as of August 28th, 2016!  (I don't know the exact date I truly got pregnant, but this is based on how they calculate your first day.)  So I am 17 weeks pregnant and very nervous but very excited!

Here is my favorite song from my friend Bill Martin.  It's so catchy, I love eyeliner on everyone, and it cheers me up no matter what mood I started in.  Enjoy!

The "Long Distance" Debacle

Wow, I can't believe my last post was made while Tom was still loving in New York!  So much has happened since, but I feel I need to vent about that whole phase of my life, as it still does haunt me.

So yeah, Tom came back from a family reunion vacation on our 1-month anniversary… told me he loved me for the first time, and then told me he was moving to New York but not breaking up with me.  I hated him for it, but had fallen in love with him while he was on vacation, so I couldn't just break up with him.  I sure with I had, only to save myself all the pain and torture that happened since he moved.  I do not, however, regret what we've made it through and where we are now.

Anyway, he finally went to New York on 9/11/12, and after about 1 month I couldn't take it any more.  He did not call or contact me in any way for THREE DAYS after he left for New York.  I thought everyone was right — that it was his cowardly way of breaking up with me without actually having to say it.  Then he didn't understand why I was so furious and hurt when I finally got ahold of him.  His communication was awful for that month, he kept cutting our phone conversations EXTREMELY SHORT to keep his friend Jarod company (who, by the way, is an awful person for many reasons I will not get into here, but he kept telling me that Jarod was just half-living there since he was homeless but not actually, and blah blah blah, but then always wanted to hang up with me to party with him and not 'keep Jarod bored").  So yeah, communication was awful and Tom was not acting like he valued our relationship very much at all.

So I visited Tom in mid October of 2012, I drove all the way to Syracuse, NY expecting we'd end up breaking up but I needed to deal with things in person.  He… surprised me.  He was a different person, and saw what it had all done to me.  I wasn't eating, wasn't sleeping, and I was always very nauseous with a migraine.  I was wilting away.  He was very sweet and promised many things, and I left that weekend feeling renewed.  He did start to communicate better, but it was a process :)

A month after that (November 2012), we met halfway and he let me choose where.  Toledo, Ohio seemed the easiest for us to meet up, so that's where we went.  We stayed in Maumee which is maybe 20 minutes outside of Toledo.  And that weekend was magical.  He had been saying he'd move back "someday," but never gave me any kind of time descriptions.  This particular weekend he said he couldn't believe he ever believed his grandma (who we found out lied to get him to move to New York), and that he couldn't believe he ever put me through all of that for any reason at all.  He said he hated himself for ever moving away from me and wanted to spend the rest of his life trying to make it up to me.  He promised he'd move back in roughly a month, so I asked if he could move back by Christmas as it's my favorite holiday and would have been our first real holiday dating.  He said yes.  Since then, Toledo has held a very special place in my heart.

Tom did move back to Wisconsin, and moved right in with me, on December 12, 2012, which was our 5-month anniversary.  It was awkward, since we'd only been together 5 months, but those last 3 months were long distance.  And we had some big issues we were just trying to sweep under the rug which just makes things worse.  But it was worth it.

I wish I could let things go easily.  Instead, it seems the harder I try to let things go, the longer I hold onto them and stew over them.  I HATE that all my grandparents are long gone, yet Tom is lucky enough to have 3 grandparents left, and the one he is closest to lied to his face then told him to keep it all a secret, in order to steal him away from the life he had.  He had a great new job, had just re-signed a lease with his 2 best friends, and a new girlfriend he had fallen in love with.  But when he said he couldn't drop everything and move, his grandma laid the biggest guilt trip on him about how then he doesn't care about his family and his deathly ill grandfather at all.  And so he finally said yes. And for what?  He had to quit his job, he really nearly lost me, and in the end he lost both of those best friends.  All for a selfish old woman.  (Sorry, yes I am still very hurt and upset by the whole thing.  I wish I could speak my mind to that woman!)

I really do try to stay positive, but I feel too much all the time, so things like this really do hold me down.  In the end, I married that man and now I am carrying his child, so I should simply be happy.  I am, but the whole long distance thing brings out so much anger and hurt in me I wish I could scream. So I will just say this:  no matter how much you think you should alter someone's life path, do not let yourself tear someone's life apart just to get what you want.  It hurts more than that person:  it hurts their friends, their employment, their GIRLFRIEND, and their own happiness!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Moving forward

It really is amazing what a little time can do.  My last post was written at a very low point, but things are so rewarding now.  My boyfriend is moving back from New York, and moving in with me, very soon!!!  I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED!  Never have I ever thought I'd be able to let someone in like this, and for once I feel that I am moving forward in life, and in love.  I am so blessed I really can't believe it sometimes.

So now I am cleaning and rearranging my apartment in preparation for him to finally come 'home.'  It's the best Christmas present in the entire world!  :)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hey Ya

I am sinking, but I'm still holding on.  I've found that I can only rely on myself amidst this chaos, and maybe that is for the best although it doesn't feel that way now.  I am still not sure how strong I really am, and I feel weak because I should still be thriving and really I am doing quite the opposite.  I am wilting.  I am suffocating.  I am dying.  But I'm still holding on, waiting for that tiny speck of light to finally come my way, so I can feel again.  I just hope it finds me soon, because this is unbearable.

Also, I discovered this song a few weeks ago, and I'm in love with it.  Well, I've heard the Outkast version of course, but never an acoustic version.  Something about Matt's voice is mesmerizing, and the words fit perfectly for my current situation.  This version makes me cry, both in a good and bad way.  It's very much like a siren, luring me in no matter how much I might try to turn away.  But it's fantastic, and I can't get enough.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

"It's all over now, ooh, and I made it through somehow"

Long distance relationships are incredibly hard, but love is a pretty powerful thing, and it will stretch you past limits you never thought you could surpass.

"Missing You"
If everything was aligned just right;
If we both looked up at the stars tonight...
Would you hear me make my wish?
Would you see me crying over it?
Could you brush my hair from my face?
Kiss me tenderly and leave your taste?
Would you hold me when I'm shaking,
Breathe when I'm hyperventilating?

Could you take my hand and take me away?
Or hold on to me, forever and always?
Could you promise this won't be so hard
To live our lives from where we are?
Five states and 840 miles apart--
You hold my very fragile heart.
I love you more than you could ever know;
So please don't ever let me go, again.
-KK, 10/3/12

Also, I found out the other day that my college roommate (and good friend), her dad had an accident and is now in a coma with brain damage and there is nothing the doctors can do.  I can't stop crying about it; Jack was such a good guy, and I can't imagine what any of them are going through right now.

This is the song I always listen to when death is near, or death has won.  It's sad, but somehow perfect. I will be praying madly for Jack and his family, for a miracle recovery, and for peace of all if Jack must be taken from them.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

winds of change...

It's been a crazy month, with a lot of changes.  I was not handling any of those changes well at all, but I'm finally succumbing to them (like I ever really had a choice).  I must hold onto perspective, and all else will fall into place.  I am truly blessed.

"You're all of my life, and every time I look at you
I keep telling myself, you're the one thing I just can't lose.
Our love runs so deeply, can't you feel it in your heart?
'Cause we've got something that no one can tear apart.

I'm telling you now, this love, it just can't be wrong,
Oh it can't be wrong.
And I won't give you up 'cause I've waited too long,
Oh, I've waited too long for love."

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"Home to You"

Here's a poem I wrote a few days ago...

The winds keep blowing,
Life keeps on going,
And I wonder:  what does it all mean?
Then you appear;
I blink, my dear,
And I'm mesmerized by what I've seen.

The tides will ebb and flow,
People will come and go,
And I never seem to get the timing right.
So I'll wait on the cusp,
'Till I've waited enough,
Then close my eyes as my soul takes flight.

The world keeps turning,
My eyes are burning,
And I wonder if you could ever see:
All the thoughts in my head--
The words that stop dead,
Are still there, even though you're changing me.

The rain will keep falling,
My past is still calling,
And sometimes I don't know what to do.
So I wait for the sun,
And sometimes I run,
But I'll always come back home to you.

-KK, 8/11/12

Saturday, August 4, 2012


I can't find the Better Than Ezra version of this song online, so you get a cover instead.  But she does a great job.  LOVE this song.

There are so many things I want to do this week, but not enough time!  Also I'm starting to freak out about some things this week, but I hope they lead to personal growth instead of repression.  We'll see.

"I was adrift,
Out on my own;
You came along and
Carried me home [. . .]
Oh how you fit me."

Friday, July 13, 2012

Steady Now...

"Steady now, steady now;
Don't fear what you can't see.
Ready now, ready now --
I'll hold onto you,
You hold onto me."
-Grace Potter <3

Advice I need to remember, especially now when I'm prone to want to run.  I wish I wasn't so afraid of everything all the damn time...

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I've been trying to figure out how to get past some of my issues; it's been a long process.  Thanks to Sam for creating a list of things for me to do, which took a little bit of encouraging to complete, but definitely helped... and prepared me for what was about to happen.

Recently I bought myself a little book called a "Gratitude Journal," where you write something every day.  There are pages with a writing prompt, such as "write about 3 things you find beautiful today," or "write down everything you are grateful for today," and some pages are simply blank, or just have a quote.  So I've been writing in that each day, and it's a great reminder of just how great life is.

Also, I bought a 2-disc CD simply because of the title (terrible, I know!).  But the title was:  "Keep Calm and Carry On."  It's all instrumental music which I enjoy, but it's more about what it represents -- keeping calm, breathing, relaxing, clearing your mind, and still moving instead of being stagnate like I had been for so long.

I also just bought a scrapbook kit, the theme is "Memories."  I loved the styles of paper, the decorations it came with, and the quotes that were being displayed, such as "cherish yesterday," "live for today," and "dream of tomorrow."  I haven't opened up the kit yet, but I plan to turn the scrapbook into a self-realization of just how far I've come in my own life, especially after moving to Madison, and I know that will really help me get my confidence back, and to be even more grateful for my life.

In addition, I found these decorative keys at Michael's that just... drew me in.  Not sure what I will do with them, but they're old fashioned looking keys and they each have a word on them:  Love, Secret, Heart, Memory, Journey, Life, and Dreams.

And lastly, I ordered 3 books online today that I believe will help me overcome at least some of my self esteem / trust / adandonment / intimacy issues.  I should have the books next week.

Somehow, all of this is going to help me, with additional help from a certain someone that has been doing an excellent job of making me more comfortable in my own skin. :)  I'm at a place in life where I've FINALLY realized that I DO deserve better, and that I DO have a lot to offer... you can call it "enlightenment" or whatever you want.  I am finally on my journey toward a better, happier life than I had ever thought I could possibly deserve, and it's been extremely rewarding already 

"I'll go hide. If you're still there then you're still all I want..." ♥

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Good Life

OMG Both rabbits are taking turns flopping in their cages (sign of bliss).  And I have butterflies and can't stop smiling.  It really is the good life, for all of us ♥

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Who Am I

Love this song so much, always have.

My entire life I've felt lost, invisible, ignored, despised, abandoned, and unlovable.  It's taken a long time to get to where I am, but I'm pretty damn proud of all the progress I've made.

I found a perfect quote last night:

"There is no passion to be found playing small -- in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."  -Nelson Mandela

At least I am finally living, and loving every minute of it :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Bitter Isolation"

Oh wow, the things you find looking through old poems you've written...

"Black Hole"

A void of nothing
In the bitter cold
Steals away
The days of old.

A lifeless man
In the smothering heat
Recalls the days
Of toxic defeat.

A soul in agony
In a grave of despair
Singes all the hope
He hoped to wear.

A kiss of death
In the dead of night
Stirs up thoughts
Of eternal plight.

A vile of poison
At the end of the day
Leaves memories lifeless
As they pass away."

-KK, 2/7/04


I had to write a poem using technical jargon for Creative Writing in college, and since I was a Biology major at the time, I wrote about Glycolysis!  I know you are all excited about this... not.

"In eukaryotic cytosol
Sugars get broken down
From glucose to pyruvate--
There's activity all around.

This catabolic metabolism
Needs two ATP's to start.
And as the process carries on,
It pulls the sugars apart.

Side reactions bring energy
To this anaerobic chain;
For each time through the cycle
There's a two ATP net gain.

Kinase adds a phosphate
From the intermediate before.
Dehydrogenase breaks things down
Using the NAD+ in store.

The enzyme hexokinase
Is the first one to play its part;
If there is not enough present,
Glycolysis will not start.

And hexokinase, too,
And also pyruvate kinase
Are control points it must get through.

Uses aldolase to make
Not one, but two intermediates:
This is not a mistake.

The DHAP must transfer into
The other product here,
Otherwise the cycle stops,
And the end is no longer near.

Is the last thing to be changed,
Pyruvate kinase the last enzyme,
As the molecule is rearranged."
-KK, 3/17/04