Saturday, December 31, 2011

Better Today

Here is my New Year's resolution...

It's not easy, but it will damn well be worth it in the end. Here's to a good year, once and for all. It sure has been a long time coming...

I love this song, and I hope I can finally let someone in who makes me better, and who opens me up to a world of love I had learned to shut down long ago. *fingers crossed*

Thursday, December 29, 2011

something wicked this way comes...

I just experienced the cruelest irony imaginable today, and one that left me almost entirely undone. I guess I'm not as strong as I thought, that's a slap in the face to add to everything else. And just when I thought I was getting somewhere...

In other news, I see that my last post was about Emma, who I was hoping to meet and adopt. I did not get a chance to meet her, but I did adopt another rescued bunny who is super sweet (but still super shy). Her name was Mae, but I've renamed her Anastasia. I will post pictures once they are actually getting along... right now they're still in this horrible 'bonding' process that I keep messing up.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

times of change

This is the cutest lop rabbit, ever!

I filled out the adoption application tonight. They don't go by first come first serve, but by the best fit for the animal (which is smart). However, I really really hope I get to meet Emma's sweet face (if she's not already taken). I requested a "date" for her and Boomerang, because in the end he needs to pick his companion. But I have always been partial to "lop" rabbits, so I hope that it all works out.

In other news... I'm officially on a winter basketball league! I'm really nervous, but I think it will be really fun. And I'm still on a soccer league and we're finally winning some games (no thanks to me!). Hot soccer ref has refereed a few of our games, and he plays some of the pick up games that I play, so that's been fun (even though I am too nervous to say anything to him!). Keeps things interesting at least. And today is officially December... which means it is NOW acceptable to listen to Christmas music, people!