Sunday, December 19, 2010


I am reading the "Twilight" saga, and I've only ever read the first book. I had sworn I would never read the books because so many girls were obsessed with the series. However, I succumbed out of curiosity and a friend's suggestion, about a year ago. And I have never felt so moved, so existent, as I did by "Twilight." Never was I so invested in a character, never felt so paralleled to one, never felt that I would make so many of the exact same choices as a character in a given situation, think the same thoughts, wish for the same things, etc., as Bella.

I am reading "Twilight" again, and once again I can't stop smiling as I see the passion unfolding. I'm not sure quite what has me so enthralled, but I believe it's the intensity. I've lived such an uneventful life, much like Bella had, and I only want love -- unconditionally. I want exquisite, whole, unrequited, passionate, intense, and eternal love. I know that if/when I let myself succumb to someone's love like that, it really will be the only love I can feel. It won't matter what he is, or what he has done, or what he wishes to do. It will only matter that he loves me, unconditionally, despite my enormous insignificance. He will become my life, and nothing else will matter, simply because he loves me with every particle of his being.

As pessimistic as I am, reading a book like this makes me realize I can't be made, in all my compassion and cursed empathetic magnetism, for nothing. I can't have a desire so strong, only to have a God mock me for my eternity. Books like this, characters like this, visions of the different lives I want to live out, they all tell me that there is something for me, somewhere. "There's got to be something for my soul somewhere." -from "Music & Lyrics

I can't wait to see how the rest of the story unfolds for Bella (please don't ruin anything for me!!!), but I would like to believe that love will win over any other battle. That love will, truly and finally, conquer all.

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