Saturday, October 24, 2009

sans swine

After being horribly sick (no Mal, it was NOT the swine flu!) for a few days (3 1/2 months, really), I FINALLY feel good. I missed school and work, and slept the entire day Wednesday. I came to work Thursday with a fever, chills/sweats, and still really shaky, and since Eli left I had to stay by myself which was bad. But I made it home and crashed until 2pm today and am good as new. :)

I found a great apartment I'm going to check out next week. I really really want this one, but it's still a distance from work. It's my compromise though for a great big awesome place. I just spent a ton of money this month though - I should probably stop that huh? All I need is a coffee table for my apartment, so at least I won't be spending anything once I move. I really can't wait.

It seems my life is finally calming down once again, but I know very soon it's about to blow upside down, and I just hope that I can handle what I know is coming. I swear everytime I try to get ahead or just get content in my life, something big pushes me back or pushes me down. And I never let anyone help me after that, so it takes me forever to get back to where I even started. I swear I don't know what I'm doing wrong in life, or who I pissed off so badly, because even I shouldn't have karma this bad. Right?

My laptop apparently has a bad hard drive. I restored it successfully, but I keep getting the error message every 15 minutes that my hard disk is bad. Thanks a lot DELL. I just bought a super expensive digital SLR camera last week: I got the telephoto lens, case, cable switch, and battery pack already. Now I'm just waiting for the actual camera and normal focal length lens. It's an incredible camera, and well worth the money. 21.1 megapixels baby!!! I can't wait to take pictures with it :)

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