Thursday, June 11, 2009

take me away...

I had a horrible panic attack yesterday, then actually woke up in the middle of the night from a vicious nightmare, and then had another panic attack on the way to work (thanks to a spider that took up residence in my car!!!) And now, am having yet another panic attack. If I can just get through tomorrow, I can finally rest. But it may not go so well...

"A dying scream makes no sound
Calling out to all that I've ever known
Here am I lost and found, calling out to all...

We live a dying dream
If you know what I mean,
And all that I've ever known--
It's all that I've ever known.

Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly,
I cry the rain that fills the ocean wide,
I tried to talk with God to no avail:
I call him up in and out of nowhere--
Said if you won't save me please don't waste my time."
-Oasis, "Falling Down"

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